Coastal Connection | SmartWorks - Technology Support Services
Desktop -Laptops - Tablets - Ipads - Printers - Networks
On-demand tech support for your business.
An all-in-one, remote IT help desk with Tech Pros ready to fix any device, any issue, any time.
Flexible tech support options that fit your schedule
Tech Pros are on-call, 24/7. Immediately connect or schedule a time to have your issue resolved.
PHONE Talk to an expert right away or schedule a callback at a better time
CHAT Connect with a real person, not a robot
VIRTUAL HOUSE CALL Get remote support directly to your computer
ONLINE Try a free Guided Path® for step-by-step instructions on how to DIY.
Resolve issues with Windows, Android, and Apple devices
Setup & troubleshoot WiFi, network, and router issues
Install and connect wireless printers
Connect and configure WiFi-enabled devices
Speed up a slow computer or laptop (PCs and Macs)
Secure smartphones and tablets (Android & iOS)
Update, install, or uninstall software
Remove viruses, malware, and spyware
Install and enable security software
Setup and access email and standard applications
Configure pre-existing file backup and sharing
Provide static IP support
Migrate data from one laptop to another
...and more SwmartWworks Managed Services | Technology Service Company
Myrtle Beach, SC Computer Repair