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22 Sep COVID-19 Scam Alerts
in News by Taryn Porter
More people are online amid COVID-19 and scammers are taking advantage of it, pretending to be tech support by sending and infecting you system with fake virus scams. Stay up to date on the latest Corona virus scams! The Coronavirus outbreak has global attention and is a national emergency in the United States. Since cybercriminals prey on fear, we can expect to see more and more COVID-19 scams as the situation progresses.
Social media scams: Social media is a tool that cybercriminals use to distribute false information and capitalize on panic. If you’re looking for information on social media, visit trusted profiles like the CDC, World Health Organization, Federal Trade Commission, and the Better Business Bureau.
Phishing Scams: Emails impersonating the World Health Organization, the CDC, and other reputable sources may hit your inbox. Don’t click on emails impersonating these organizations. For accurate info, go straight to the source. Visit the World Health Organization and the CDC’s websites. If you’ve accidentally clicked on a phishing link, visit our recovery page on
Malware: Fraudulent links can install malware on your device. If your computer has been infected by malware from a malicious link, visit our recovery page here.
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COVID-19: Alert Issued For Scam Involving Facebook Friends Pushing Fake Grants: The Better Business Bureau issued an alert regarding a scam involving the social media giant that has become more prevalent in recent weeks. The message describes a COVID-19 relief grant, with scammers claiming to have already applied and received thousands of dollars. The scams are not limited to social media, as some have also received similar claims through phone calls and text messages.
New COVID-19 scam targets college students: A new scam involves an email, which claims to be from the financial department of your college or university. The email tells you to click on a link to get a message about your COVID-19 economic stimulus check. The email goes on to say the link needs to be opened through a portal requiring your college or university login.
Five Data Breaches that Put Victims at Greater Risk of COVID-19 Scams: Amid widespread predictions that COVID-19 will generate a wave of financial and identity crime, Breach Clarity today released analysis of recent data breaches that identifies risk for COVID-19 scams.
Online scammers target vulnerable Internet users during coronavirus outbreak: Online scammers are on the offensive, looking to exploit the fears of vulnerable Internet users anxious for more information about the coronavirus outbreak, according to cybersecurity experts who are tracking current digital threats.
Coronavirus Map Malware: A fake map impersonating the Johns Hopkins world map installs malware on users’ computers upon clicking. This phishing link is malicious password-stealing. Find the real Johns Hopkins site. For malware recovery resources, visit us
Preventing phishing and virus attacks
Antivirus cant stop phishing attacks alone, because user click on links, doing so give permission to activate the virus.
But having a full Antivirus Security Program (not a free version) will help detect it and stop suspicious files and activity.
Your operating system (Windows, Mac, Android) will also need to patched and updated.
Your browsers will need to patched and updated.
Third part software will need to be patch and updated.
A backup and recovery plan needs to in placed and activated.
Unused software and apps need to be uninstalled.
Install a firewall
Secure your WiFI
Preventive OS maintenance
MOST IMPORTANTLY, educate your or user. Majority of time it's the user who allow the virus/malware to install
by clicking unknow links or install freeware.
Needing help seuring your systems, contact us